
Val Pate (1947 - 2024)

Val Pate's landscape paintings resulted from his focus on light and strong topographical composition.  Many of his paintings originated from his time spent in the Scottish Highlands, which drew him back repeatedly.  His concern with light and atmosphere established a mood, particularly apparent in his portrayal of nature in moments of transition, often those preceding or just following a storm.

"My work is derived from many sources, on location, memory, imagination, photos.  I try to put down the information of what is important to me--the feel of the wind through a meadow, the feel of crisp mountain air, what the light does to a scene at a particular time of day or season of the year.  The sun setting on a marsh backlighting trees and grass or rivers at dawn as the mist rises."  

Artists who have influenced his work include Shishkin, Whistler, Bruno Liljefors, Gustaf Fjaestad, Asgrimur Johnsson, and the American Tonalist Movement.

Born in 1947, Val painted from inspiration gathered in his travels through North America, Europe and Africa.  He studied at Eastern Washington University, Cite Universite in Besancon, France and graduated from Fort Wright College of the Holy Names in Spokane, Washington with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Val passed away on July 26, 2024.





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